Goldiggers & Gunslingers

We buy, sell, trade, and loan on gold, silver, coins, bullion, jewelry, collectibles, fine art, electronics, guns, knives, militaria, and just about anything of value.
Not Your Typical Pawn Shop
We Offer More Than Your Average Store in Citrus County, Florida

At Goldiggers & Gunslingers in Inverness, Florida, we have a full gun store with new & used guns and a large selection of accessories and ammunition.If we don't have it, we can just order it for you. We also conduct Concealed Carry Weapons Classes on a daily basis with no schedule or appointments.


Just come on in and take the class “one on one” with our instructor on the day you choose. We also do pawns or loans on items of value but we are not your typical pawn shop.


With our western theme, we strive to be brighter, cleaner, neater and friendlier than any other pawn shop you’ve been in. So come on by and check us out or just stop in and say Hi.

Designed & Built by Tabitha Foss